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Re: compiling mpg123 with esd support

>>>>> "Damon" == Damon Muller <dm-debian-user@empire.net.au> writes:

    Damon> Hi gang, For some reason, xmms is these days taking up an inordinate
    Damon> amount of CPU time. I decided to go back to mpg123 and gqmpeg, which
    Damon> is a lot less fancy, but doesn't even make a dent in the cpu usage.

    Damon> I use (helix) gnome and esd for my sound, so I decided that I sould
    Damon> get download the source of mpg123 and compile it with esd
    Damon> support. AFAIK, debian (potato, at least) does not include esd
    Damon> support in mpg123.

Woody (and I think I saw the package when I was using potato) has a package
called mpg123-esd.

    Damon> Anyway, using the latest mpg123 source, and doing a `make
    Damon> linux-esd', I'm getting the following error:

Did you get the tarball from the mpg123 site, or did you get it from Debian?
Getting it from Debian is probably the best.  Make sure your sources.list has a
correct deb-src line (mine has "deb-src http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian woody
main contrib non-free"), and do "apt-get source mpg123" (you can do this as a
regular user).  It will download the relevant source files, and unpack into a
subdirectory of the current directory.  You can even download the Woody source
to install on your Potato system.  Install the debhelper package too.  Then, cd
into the source directory, and run "fakeroot debian/rules binary" It will
create a bunch of deb files in the parent directory of the source directory.
Then use dpkg to install them.  If you want to change anything, edit the
debian/rules file (it's a makefile made executable).

I've never compiled mpg123, but compiling other source packages has worked fine
for me.



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