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Can't mount CD drive (was: Re: Hello first time)

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on Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 12:42:39AM +0100, Michal Siwolowski (msiwolowski@mediavision.com.pl) wrote:
> I have just installed Debian 2.2 and
> I have some problemm with mounting my CDROM 
> My Debian send me some message, but I don't understand it, I have a short journey with Debian , so I'm unexperience ;-))))
> The message is:
> mount:  /dev/cdrom  is not a block device

/dev/cdrom doesn't exist by default, it's usually a symlink to another
physical device.  Typically /dev/hdc if you've got an IDE drive, or
/dev/sdc for a SCSI drive (though I think this varies).

Try running 'dmesg' shortly after boot.  If you've got an IDE drive,
you'll see something like:

    hdc: FX120T, ATAPI CDROM drive
    hdc: ATAPI 12X CD-ROM drive, 256kB Cache

...among the output.

To mount this:

    $ mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

Otherwise, research your SCSI CD and how to properly mount it.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>     http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
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