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Re: no modules after kernel recompile

>>>>> "AC" == Anthony Campbell <a.campbell@doctors.org.uk> writes:
    AC>  I don't see myself that this is any easier than:
    AC> make xconfig make dep make clean make bzImage
    AC> Which is what I do. But admittedly I don't use either modules or
    AC> lilo (I use loadlin).

I do use lilo, so in a way its easier to use kernel-package because the
scripts take care of updating lilo, /etc/lilo.conf, /boot/System.map,

Plus the fact that the kernel-image is compiled into a .deb makes for
easy uninstallation.

If "make xconfig;make dep; make clean; make bzImage" works for you and
you are happy compiling kernels that way, I suppose you have no reason
to try out kernel-package.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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