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Re: vnc problem: unable to connect to vnc server

Giulio Morgan wrote:


> Any thoughts will be much appreciated. Also, one trivial question, what is the
> easiest way for me to determine my ip address.

If you install the ipmasq package it has a very nice script called
ipofif which does some regexp stuff to the output of ifconfig and leaves
you with your ip address(es). If you don't really want ipmasq installed,
you could always install the package, copy ipofif someplace else then
remove the package...


Gareth Bowker                     |  tgb96@aber.ac.uk
PhD Research Student              |  http://users.aber.ac.uk/tgb96/
Space Robotics Team               |  Office: (01970) 621528
University of Wales, Aberystwyth  |  Mobile: (07971) 219986

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