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Recompiling Samba

Dear List - I have an issue which apperently can be solved by
recompiling Samba to support Kernel 2.0.x.
I run an old Linux box which has been upgraded to (most of) Debian 2.2,
except for the kernel, which is 2.0.36.
Lately some Win2000 boxes have sticked their heads up, and they did not
want to look at my Samba 2.0.something. So I upgraded Samba to 2.0.7,
according to suggestions on this list.
Now Samba does not work anymore, apparently because the 2.0.x
functionallity is dropped in the Debian 2.0.7 package.

I have tried to upgrade my kernel but ran into problems with a difficult
ethernet board.

So now I suppose that recompiling samba to support my old kernel is the
way to go. Can somebody please suggest what staps to take in order to do
this? Until now I have done apt-get only for pre-built packages.

Thanks a lot.

  Erik van der Meulen <e.van.der.meulen@avondel.nl>

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