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Re: Quality of Helixcode's Debian Packages (was: Re: spidermonkey.helixcode.com down?)

>>>>> "Mario" == Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic@chello.at> writes:

    Mario> Strange, I haven't had any of these probs on my potato. OTOH, I had
    Mario> never installed /any/ potato gnome packages, only Helix. Maybe
    Mario> that's got something to do with it? I'm very satisfied with the
    Mario> quality oh Helix's debs

The dpkg in Potato has the --force-overwrite option enabled by default, while
in Woody, --force-overwrite got turned off some time ago (which is what caused
the problem).  So you probably DID get these problems on potato -- you just
never noticed it because dpkg automatically "fixed" it.


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