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Re: Connection speed

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 11:35:44 -0600 (Central Standard Time)
"David A. Rogers" <darogers@xnet.com> wrote:

> After pon does its thing, is there a way to see how fast my connection is?

One way to find out is to find the AT commands (modem manual) that
force the modem to tell the right speed, not the speed between modem
and computer. Then you should see that in the logfile. But this can be
dynamic, and althoudh modems have support to query current speed, I do
not know of programs using that. Another is to try to measure the
speed. You can use ping to your provider (before Internet congestion
can come in) which will tell how long a packet took to be sent and
returned. Of course, you will be including the time the remote host
needs to think about a response, but this should be little. Than you
have to compute the amount of bytes moved. Ping tells this in the
output (32 bytes). To those you'll have to add the IP and ICMP headers
(I think to remember they sum up 24). Now it should be easy to compute
bytes per second. To get bits per second, you might have to divide by
10, because in serial lines (again, if I remember right) you've got a
parity and a stop bit. Someone more up-to-date with this may correct
me. Of course, then yet you might get nonsense values if hardware
compression comes in. Then, try to configure that out or use ping
packages with data patterns that can not be compressed (i.e., those
which are already compressed).

Christoph Simon

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