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Re: WM for GNOME

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:30:38AM +0100, Ignasi Tura wrote:
> 	F12 on wmaker -> window managers -> info panel...

OK, I'll try from the second side ;-)

> 	wmaker says it's Gnome compliant. There are a pair of options in WPrefs, at the far right of the menu, regarding compatiblity with Gnome.
> 	Hope that you like Gnome 

Oh, there are problems...

	My first look in GNOME from Potato seems terrible.
1) It's behaviour is like the M$ Windows - it makes changes to
   system without asking for permition, and sometimes without
	inform me about those changes!
	For example automatically change default x-window-manager to
2) As a user I can start every gnome application one time - first
   time only!!! Every try to start any GNOME application later
	causes starting background this application (don't open it's
	window, so I can't really use it!);
3) There are two possibilities of using window managers with
   GNOME - icewm-gnome (starting without problems), and sawmill
	(gnome) - starts... never (I can choose sawmill from the
	window managers list in kdm, I've istalled sawmill package, I
	can start it... but nothing appears);
4) I've asked befoure to intergate WindowMaker with GNOME.
   The answer indicated it's very easy. I tried and...
	in GNOME Control Center I can configure only backgraund theme!!!
	There are no more options possible to configure (nothing in the
	right window, unactive every buttons).
	Apart of the fact, after first starting GNOME Control Center I
	couldn't start it never again...

I've unistalled all GNOME packages with purging the
configuration. Next install all gnome packages from the Potato
distribution. The same like above. I've tried two times to do it
- every time the same...

I'm starting hate GNOME - it seems unusual...

The GNOME in Potato is one big bug or I'm an crazy?

best regards

~~~~~~~   /*       | 
QLIVER  /  |     / | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~/____|   /   | ~~~~~~~~~Marcin Landowski~~~~~~~~
      _    | /_____| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   *_|o|___|_______|______@   qliver@koti.pl~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ \___________________/ ~~~~qliver@poczta.wp.pl~~~~~

~~~~~~~   /*       | 
QLIVER  /  |     / | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~/____|   /   | ~~~~~~~~~Marcin Landowski~~~~~~~~
      _    | /_____| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   *_|o|___|_______|______@   qliver@koti.pl~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ \___________________/ ~~~~qliver@poczta.wp.pl~~~~~

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