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Re: Second post: How get chrome/themes working in Mozilla?


Thanks for getting bcak to me. I gave read/write permision as you
suggested to the chrome directory and it dl and showed up in the themes.
So progress. Butw hen I selected it, the whole thing crashed. I had to
delete my home personal mozilla to get it to start again and when I did
the new theme was gone. Which is strange, because I had changed the
/usr/lib/mozilla/chrome dir so it should still be there and read as
being there...

Anyway, I see plenty of files ending in jar like the netscape theme I
want. How do I get them read? The otherss in /usr/lib/mozilla/chrome
have names like classic, modern, etc... the one's we see.

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 09:31:55AM -0300, Sebastian Silva wrote:
> I had exactly the same problem. It also ocurred when I tried to install the PSM security plugin for Mozilla. I discovered it was a permission problem. You see your user needs to have write access to /usr/lib/mozilla/Chrome. Play around with the permissions and things will be better. I pretty much opened up the permitions to everyone because I am the only user on this box, but I am sure you don't want to do that. By the way, does anyone here know what the cannonical *right* permissions ought to be? Anyhow, my mozilla is working ok now, with a cool chrome and PSM features...

BTW, you have a problem with line wrapping!


	    "Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-"

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