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Re: Realplayer.deb for Netscape?

>>>>> "robert" == robert wilhelm land <Robert.Land@t-online.de> writes:

    robert> Realplayer is not included on Debian2.2 and every time a new and
    robert> different package is installed, dpkg asks for a url to download the
    robert> Real media files to fulfill broken dependancies.

    robert> Which URL should I choose for a Realplayer.deb package - a package
    robert> which I may install on other computers on my homenet too and how
    robert> large is the requested file in size?

Umm, it's asking for a file location, and not a URL, right?  (At least that's
how it was on my system.)  You need to download the rpm distribution of
RealPlaer from Real's web site (www.real.com), and then give the location of
that file to the installer.

The reason for this roundabout way of doing things is that Real doesn't allow
redistribution of their files, so Debian can't repackage it.

I'd tell you how big the file is, but I seem to have deleted it.


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