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Re: gnome without window manager

>>>>> "Marcelo" == Marcelo Chiapparini <chiappa@centroin.com.br> writes:

    Marcelo> Hi!  I've just installed helix-gnome in my potato box. The default
    Marcelo> for the gdm is to boot with helix-gnome running.  After typing my
    Marcelo> username and password I found myself with a helix-gnome desktop
    Marcelo> without the window manager (sawfish in my case) running! (I cannot
    Marcelo> take control over any window I open ). But sawfish is already
    Marcelo> installed and capable of running because if I choose, in the gdm
    Marcelo> window, the "debian" boot, I end with a desktop running Window
    Marcelo> Maker (no gnome running) and from it I can change to sawfish
    Marcelo> without problems.

    Marcelo> How can I enable sawfish in the gnome boot?

Start the Gnome control centre (from the foot menu, somewhere in there), go to
the "Window Manager" section (should be near the top), and select sawfish and
hit OK.  If sawfish is already selected, select another window manager (IIRC,
twm should be there too), hit try, then select sawfish, and hit OK.  When it
asks, say OK to save the session.


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