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Rogerio Brito wrote:

> On Jun 25 2000, Willi Dyck wrote:
> > does somebody know if the Philips PCRW804 works under Linux?
>         Is it an ATAPI CDRW? If yes, then almost probably it *will*
>         work with Linux. I've been using my HP9200i (got it only a few
>         weeks before the HP9300 came out -- grrrr) and it works
>         perfectly under Linux. I mean, I only use Linux and it works
>         like a charm.

> Yes it is an ATAPI CDRW. Thanx for the advice.

>         You will probably have to recompile your kernel with SCSI
>         Emulation for IDE devices to make your new drive useable under
>         Linux.

If I recompile my kernel with SCSI Emulation for IDE devices, will then my ATAPI
CD-ROM still work??

>         Hope this helps, Roger...
> It helped ;-)
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>   Rogerio Brito - rbrito@iname.com - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/
>      Nectar homepage: http://www.linux.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/nectar/
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
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