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Hope I'm not asking a stupid question..

I am setting up my laptop with debian slink..

I have a 3GB harddisk..

I split them this way..

1GB NTFS(for WinNT)

1GB Fat(for file sharing between NT and Linux)

1GB ext2 (Debian Slink)
which is broken down to

	150MB /
	150MB /var
	100MB /home
	40MB  /tmp
 the rest   /usr

is this ok?
I've check the howto files.. but they are of much help.

I encounted problems with it as when using apt.. it seems to cache it into
the /var and thus I can't install anything bigger than my /var size.

is there a better way to config the above?  I know DUnix can configure the
/var and /usr to be on the same partition(not soft link) is it possible to
do it in debian?


Chan Chee Seng

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