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Re: configuration of network adaptor

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 03:28:41AM +0100, Andreas Fromm wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to ask how to configure a network adaptor on a running
> system (potato). I recompiled the kernel with the coresponding module
> for the adaptor, installed it with modconf (installation succeeded) and
> set it up with ifconf. I can ping to the IP asigned to the NIC, but
> can't ping another system. I also tried a "route add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx".
> If someone can help me, please cc me an answer.

	Put your isp's nameserver ip in /etc/resolve.conf with the
	format - nameserver <ip> 
	You can add more than one on separate lines.

	The format for /etc/networks/interfaces is -
	# for lo
	iface lo inet loopback

	# first network card
	iface eth0 inet static
		address <your ip her>
		netmask <your netmask ip>
		network <network ip>
		broadcast <broadcast ip>
		gateway <gateway ip>
		As the file says, 'network, broadcast, gateway is optional'

		Run /etc/init.d/networking restart

		That should do it.  Any trouble let us know.
  "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
      you must first create the universe."  
                 - Carl Sagan

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