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Re: device3dfx-source ?

Erik Steffl <steffl@bigfoot.com> writes:
ES> note that to get DRI working you need very recent kernel, either one
ES> of the pre- 2.4 version or 2.2.18 (is it out yet?)

You need 2.2.18.  It's out; I don't think there's an official Debian
package of it yet in unstable, but getting your own package is as easy 
as installing the kernel-package (and bin86 if required) package,
unpacking the source somewhere, copying in an old .config file,
running 'make menuconfig' (or 'make xconfig' if you prefer), and then
'make-kpkg buildpackage' and installing the resulting Debian package.

This of course assumes that you're either running unstable or have a
rebuilt X 4.0.1 package for stable/testing.  But yeah, it works very
well for me.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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