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startx -- -bpp16 no longer works ...


Hmm. I have been selectively adding Woody apps to my mostly-Potato system
for a couple of weeks now. 

The last salvo seems to have irked *something* in my X setup, but I can't
figure out what. I had always run the command

startx -- -bpp16

to get a nice display. Now, when I do this console brings up a list of
"Device Dependent Usage" options, then craps out with a couple of xinit
errors, to wit:

xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error

When I run 

startx -bpp16

I get 8bpp color.

Any suggestions as to where to look for a fix would be welcome. I searched
the archives on debian.org.



// G l e n n  B e c k e r                                                |
// Omnia quae sunt, lumina sunt                                          |  
// glenn@scifi.com                                                       | 

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