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Sawfish/GNOME right-mouse-click send-to-back

I've recently installed a second machine at work for my use with GNOME
(from HelixCode) installed, however, it's different to the version I run
at home in that when I right-click the border on my home machine, the
window goes to the back. However in the office right-clicking brings up
the window menu. I've got the sawfish-gnome package installed here, I
don't remember off-hand if it's installed at home, but I assume it
probably is.


(Please CC: messages to me as I'm not on the list atm)
Gareth Bowker                     |  tgb96@aber.ac.uk
PhD Research Student              |  http://users.aber.ac.uk/tgb96/
Space Robotics Team               |  Office: (01970) 621528
University of Wales, Aberystwyth  |  Mobile: (07971) 219986

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