Betr.: (no subject)
If you prefer to use System Commander - which I do because I have several Windows configurations and a debian on my PC and the different users (kids, wife and I) have each there password for their own os - then: during install of debian choose lilo to put the boot stuff NOT in the masterbootrecord; you should install it in "root partition" of debian. Btw systemcommander should be installed on FAT16 (systemcommander 2000 can also be installed on FAT32)
If you are not stuck on System Commander - no need for more than one password - you can also use linux' lilo and put an extra stanza in it for your windows.
>>> <> 3-12-2000 19:14:39 >>>
is it possible to double boot windows and debian on a PIII pc, perhaps using
system commander?
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