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LDAP for accounts

dn: cn=test2, ou=Users, dc=coker, dc=com, dc=au
objectClass: posixAccount
cn: test2
uid: test2
uidNumber: 505
gidNumber: 100
homeDirectory: /tmp
userPassword:: encrypted-string
loginShell: /bin/sh
gecos: testing
description: testing

I have the above in my LDAP directory.  I have the following in 
base "ou=Users, dc=coker,dc=com,dc=au"
ldap_version 2
port 389

My LDAP server (latest OpenLDAP) is running but I get the following results:

root@lyta:/#!chown test2 /tmp/t
chown: test2: invalid user

I am at my wits end here.  I have tried every combination possible.  I am 
sure that I am missing something that is trivial but really important.

Please reply direct to me as I am not subscribed to this list.

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