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Re: installing multiple versions of a given package

on Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 12:07:53PM -0500, Walter Tautz (wtautz@math.uwaterloo.ca) wrote:
> I am curious to know whether it would be possible to have
> two or more version of a given package exist compatibly and
> have the alternatives tool be able to pick one. 
> REASON. Sometimes the features of one version are so annoying that
> one isn't interested in the `newer' version. I suppose most people's
> answer would be: put the older version in /usr/local?
> One problem with having multiple version of a given package is
> the fact that common filenames would exist. How to resolve this?
> I see one solution:
> Put the files of a package in its own directory and then add links
> via the alternatives tool into /usr/bin/ /bin/ etc. It would also
> be convenient if the individual user could control what version
> he has access to by creating his own internal alternatives link tree.

This gets at a fundamental filesystem standards layout philosophy
discussion.  I'm not saying your idea is bad, wrong, or unworkable, just
different from the traditional Unix/Linux standard.  Within Debian,
'stow' provides a similar functionality, and you might be able to
achieve what your're looking for by using 'alien' or simthing similar to
un-debianize a particular package.

I believe MacOS and (possibly) OS/2 had a similar system for managing
software installs, if not versioned installs, in which different
packages essentially become their own tree.  The Legacy MS Windows
system of placing software under a specific directory by vendor and
product name has certain similarities, though Legacy MS Windows DLL
management probably isn't a standard (?) to be encouraged.  There's also
the Unix/Linux standard of /opt which might provide some food for

As I understand, instead of:

    |-- bin
    |-- etc
    |-- lib
    |-- sbin
    |-- tmp
    `-- usr
	|-- bin
	|-- include
	|-- info
	|-- lib
	`-- sbin

You might want something like:

    |-- bin
    |-- etc
    |-- lib
    |-- sbin
    |-- tmp
    `-- usr
	|-- doc
	|-- man
	|-- local
	`-- <package+version>
	    |-- bin
	    |-- doc
	    |-- include
	    |-- info
	    |-- lib
	    |-- local
	    |-- man
	    `-- sbin

> Some consequences:
> =================
> How would apt figure out to update or upgrade packages... presumably it
> would simply offer to install the latest version without interfering
> with the version you have on the system...you could also perhaps choose
> to upgrade existing versions...

Adding a "install this version of foo" option to apt would be a Good
Thing(tm), though it might take some infrastructure changes.

> This brings up an obvious problem that people would be forced to
> maintain more than one version....  Also is it possible for the
> alternatives package to work for the user.  Obviously the user could
> use aliases if he/she wanted to use a particular editor but it might be
> nice to have the alternatives tool not just work on a single system but
> on a per user basis.

How about $HOME/.alternatives or $HOME/etc/alternatives as an analog to

> Comments?

Yes <g>.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>     http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.                      http://www.zelerate.org
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