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How to link libc.a instead of libbsd.a

I'm trying to compile ssh on an old (slink and pre-slink) machine
with some potato on it. I'm getting undefined references (e.g to 
_sigintr), which  symbol indeed  does not appear  in /usr/lib/libbsd.a
(this  is  the bugger  being  linked).  On a  whim,  I  did  an nm  on
/usr/lib/libc.a and, what do you know, it's there. 
Not sure  if this is  the one I  want but, I  think I may  have broken
something (by installing potato  stuff?) which is preventing the right
libs from being  linked. Or some such. dpkg  -S /usr/lib/libbsd.a says
In any case, I did manage to compile ssh (version 1) a few years back,
but  it's no go  now. (Yeah  I know  about version  2, that  one won't
compile either). 

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