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Re: adaptec 1505 / potato

Since the AVA1505 does not have an on-board bios, you have to tell the module where
it's at.  Give the options at load time with "modprobe -a aha152x
aha152x=0x340,11,7"(ioport,irq,scsihostid)  or using modconf, give the options where
prompted.  Put an append statement in lilo when you've figured it out.  You are using
this card just for a scanner, right?  It's not too overly sophistocated.


Dominique Rousset wrote:

> I'm trying to configure an adaptec AVA1505 adaptec ISA
> SCSI card on a potato system.
> 1) default aha152x.o module included with 2.2.17-ide deb was generating
> unresolved symbols
> 2) after kernel compilation I've no more errors but a resource busy message.
> For the moment IRQ and IO adresses configured for the module are consistent
> with the jumpers on the board.
> /proc/interrupts doesn't report IRQ 11 as used and /proc/ioports doesn't report
> Ox340 as used.
> Maybe the solution is within bios setup but I dont'understand anything to PnP
> or IRQ managing within the bios setup.
> Any clue ?
> Thanks
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Dominique Rousset                | Tel    : +33 (0)5 59 92 31 71        |
> | Imagerie Géophysique UMR 5831    | Fax    : +33 (0)5 59 92 31 86        |
> | Univ. Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | mailto:dominique.rousset@univ-pau.fr |
> |               BP 1115 - F-64013 Pau Cedex - France                      |
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who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one word of it
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        My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some concrete
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Knowledge Engineer!'" --dump() on slashdot

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