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Re: Aint this a bug or i'm just the one having this problem

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 01:24:07PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:

> >the solution: configure resource limits.
> How?

guess ;-)

seriously though i tried very hard to find any documentation/howto on
configuring resource limits and didn't come up with much.  i just
messed with it for a long time, and got some examples from a few on
folks on this list.  

my account has the following resource limits, they are much tighter
for untrusted accounts:

[eb@socrates eb]$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks)     1000000
data seg size (kbytes)      102400
file size (blocks)          unlimited
max locked memory (kbytes)  5120
max memory size (kbytes)    46080
open files                  150
pipe size (512 bytes)       8
stack size (kbytes)         8192
cpu time (seconds)          63072000
max user processes          70
virtual memory (kbytes)     51200
[eb@socrates eb]$

the only thing i really run into problems with on this is running MOL
or VMWARE.  i have hard limits set higher, those are soft so i can
raise them for those specific programs.  (i just have a wrapper shell
script to raise the limits then exec the bloated program.)

these limits seem to withstand most DoS type attacks, such as Netscape

note that this will probably not stop a determined user from crashing
your machine, there are ways to work around these by running multiple
processes/logins.  this just makes it harder.  if you have an
obnoxious user who deliberatly is trying to take your machine down i
recommend /usr/sbin/userdel.

also note that max memory size (aka RSS) is ignored by current
kernels.  linux resource limits still suck unfortunatly.  virtual
memory limits is really what is doing the protection AFAIK. 

Ethan Benson

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