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Re: make install, great, now make uninstall??

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On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:43:00AM -0400, Jason Hammerschmidt wrote:
> So let's say you did a make install, you testing the program, you
> thought that's great, now I want to remove it...
> I have the original configured Makefiles n all, is there an automated
> command that goes through and does the opposite of make install, kinda
> like a make uninstall (I wish).

Some programs do provide an uninstall target in their Makefile.  Others
do not.  You're pretty much at the mercy of the author(s) in this case.

Most Makefiles use the 'install' command to do the actual copying of
files to their destinations on the system.  I know there exists a
wrapper or replacement for install that will log all its activities, but
I have no idea what it's called and have never used it.

Alternately you could use the package 'stow' to manage all your local
packages.  Basically you install the package into its own directory (so,
e.g. the foo package would be installed in /usr/local/stow/foo) and stow
creates the necessary symlinks to make it available to the system.  Stow
can then remove the symlinks if you want to remove the software.  Then
you simply have to remove the directory.

Unfortunately, all those options will only help you with this issue in
future cases.  Right now you pretty much have to go around manually and
find everything.  You might want to run make install again and examine
its output to see where it's putting things.

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