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Re: Creating kernel packages with make-kpkg

>>>>> "Klaus" == Klaus Reimer <k@ailis.de> writes:

    Klaus>   make-kpkg --bzImage --flavour adder --revsion 2.2.17-1
    Klaus> buildpackage


    Klaus> Second problem: The kernel-image does install its modules
    Klaus> in /lib/modules/2.2.17. But if I compile the additional
    Klaus> modules (alsa and pcmcia) with this command:

You shouldn't be using the --flavour option unless you
have patched the kernel using the patch supplied in 

It seems like this patch is not in place, as the modules should
get installed in


if you really use flavours correctly.

    Klaus>   make-kpkg --flavour mamba --revision 2.2.17-1 modules

    Klaus> the alsa- and pcmcia packages are installing their modules
    Klaus> to /lib/modules/2.2.17-adder or
    Klaus> /lib/modules/2.2.17-mamba. In that way I have no chance to
    Klaus> create alsa- and pcmcia-packages for different kernel
    Klaus> packages with the same kernel version. Is it correct that I
    Klaus> don't need to specify the --flavour option when compiling
    Klaus> the modules? And are these module packages compatible with
    Klaus> all kernel 2.2.17 packages?

I am afraid you have lost me here... 

You can only have one version of the alsa- and pcmcia-packages for
each kernel {version,flavour} combination. (at least that is my
understanding). Perhaps that is what you meant?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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