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Exim and multiple domains

Hi, I have a machine that is serving multiple domains.  What I need to
have is some sort of separate configuration for each domain.  Or what I
am really getting at is that I need a separate aliases file
(/etc/aliases) for each domain, and some sort of control over who gets 
mail from a given domain. (I hope this is not to confusing...)



 Matt Kopishke			kopishke@midcoast.com |
 Foster Laing & Noonan		  http://www.flni.com |
 Waldo Theatre		  http://www.waldotheatre.org |
#!/usr/bin/perl          |
@a=(Lbzjoftt,Inqbujfodf, |
Hvcsjt); $b="Lbssz Wbmm" |
;$b =~ y/b-z/a-z/ ; $c = |
" Tif ". @a ." hsfbu wj" |
."suvft pg b qsphsbnnfs" |
.":\n";$c =~y/b-y/a-z/;  |
print"\n\n$c ";for($i=0; |
$i<@a; $i++) { $a[$i] =~ |
y/b-y/a-z/;if($a[$i]eq$a |
[-1]){print"and $a[$i]." |
;}else{ print"$a[$i], "; |
}}print"\n\t\t--$b\n\n"  |

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