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Re: offtopic cron/mozilla question

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 11:08:37AM -0700, David Erdman (derdman@forensica.com) wrote:
> hi.  maybe a little off topic, but i would like to setup cron to go out and 
> get the newest mozilla tarballs and install....
> so here is the script i wrote.
> #!bin/bash

This should be as follows, note leading slash.  Not that it effects your


> cd /usr/local
> rm -rf /usr/local/package
> wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/latest/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
> tar -zxvf /usr/local/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
> rm mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
> chown -R erd /usr/local/package
> chgrp -R erd /usr/local/package
> the script works great if i just type sh /usr/bin/getmoz.

You should put locally written code in /usr/local/(s)bin, or possibly
~/bin (under your home directory).

> here is the cron job
> /etc/crontab
> 05 11   * * *   root    sh /usr/bin/getmoz
> when cron runs this, i can see that it is downloading the tarball...but 
> thats about all it does.  

Try adding:

    set -v

...as the first line of your script.  This will echo commands to stdout,
and should tell you what commands run.  It's possible your script is
failing for any of a number of reasons, including (possibly) running out
of disk space.  Mozilla is not a small package.

You might also avoid removing the download file until after you've
verified a successful untarring, possibly:

    tar zxvf mozilla*.tar.gz && rm mozilla*.tar.gz || echo "tar failed"

> it doesnt seem to untar it in the /usr/local 
> directory like i tell it to. (like it does by just typing sh /usr/bin/getmoz
> can anyone find anything wrong with this process (this is my very first 
> script/cronjob!).
> thanks
> -- 
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