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Can't make squid proxy requests to and from IIS

Let me explain in more detail, I am working with "YUCK" VB code for the
>product, Not my choice,, I have  NT 4.0 running IIS 4.0, also not my
>I put up a firewall using RedHat with IPChains and wanted to have the IIS
>box behind the firewall with SSL.  I installed squid on RedHat 6.1 and
>configured Squid-the last release, not the current. I was able to make the
>Http port 80, work through squid and ask for pages from the IIs box, no
>problem. I then added SSL to the IIS box and setup squid to except port 443
>to talk with IIS on 443 (SSL). When I typed http:// squid came back saying
>SSL Required and that I need the "s" in the http://. When I add the
>s"( https:// ) I can't connect and get a web page to show up. I wait for
>Browser, and it says "can't connect". I tried to telnet to the 443 port
>the firewall that is running squid to the IIs box, and I can. I have been
>looking for answers to this problem everywhere, It just doesn't seem to
>and I can't find any doc's on how squid should be configured for the type
>setup I am doing. I also have the acl SSL_ports port 443 563 already, it
>doen't seem to work. I have been hitting my head on this for weeks now.
>Below is a list of what I have running. If you have any ideas, let me know.
>Again thanks for the help
>Here is the Junk Box
>NT 4.0 SP5
>IIs 4.0
>SSL=128 (new verison)
>Here is My box
>RedHat 6.1
>IPChains firewall
>Squid latest ver. ( thought the newer version would make a difference.)
>Custom config.

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