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dhcpcd doesn't like IP-alias?

I'm having a lot of trouble getting dhcpcd to work on a virtual NIC, and I'm
having trouble with IP-alias in general.  It works fine if I set it up

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 up

However, getting this to work by editing the "interfaces" config file in
/etc/network fails to bring it up, both in dhcp and static, configured as
below for dhcp:

iface eth0:1 inet dhcp
    hostname (hostname)

I did a sloppy hack to make the thing work in /etc/rcS.d/S55bootmisc.sh with
the command I had been using manually.  I know that's the wrong way to do
it, but I don't know another way.  So I have eth0:1 after bootup now, even
if it is rude and crude.

Next, although the interface exists dhcpcd refuses to use it and in fact it
takes down the whole darn network when trying to use eth0:1.  If I tell it
to use eth0 it works fine, but it kills eth0:1.  I need dhcpcd to use eth0:1
since port forwarding won't work on a virtual NIC.  Does dhcpcd not work on
one either?  What am I screwing up :-)  No error messages are produced on
the screen.

In case I'm going about the _whole_ thing all wrong, here's what I'm trying
to do:  Debian box is a firewall providing internet access to three other
PCs all on a 192.168.1.x network.  I want the "real" NIC to use,
and the virtual NIC to have its IP assigned by dhcpcd.  The cable modem is
not connected directly to the box, it is connected to the uplink port on the
hub.  The computer is running Potato and kernel 2.2.17 compiled from the
source provided w/the distro.

This was a lot easier for me with a 56K modem, to tell the truth!

Also if it's not too much trouble, what are some good FMs for learning how
to properly start up programs (say SETI@home) on bootup, and some
information on how I should set up routing for my network?  I read about
runlevels in Debian, but I'm not clear on how scripts not installed by
packages should be configured/started.


Andrew W.

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