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Re: DNS problem

on Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 10:19:27PM +0000, Pollywog spewed forth on stone tablets:
> What about using GraniteCanyon (www.granitecanyon.com) or Centralinfo.net?
> Wouldn't those work?

My own experiences with GraniteCanyon and Centralinfo.net left me
using Centralinfo.  Granite canyon was more flakey and went up and
down like a cheap whore on a busy night.

CentralInfo handles DNS for isomerica.net now, and I have not had any
problems since switching to them

Spinfire Magenta					In Real Life: Dan Noe
Freelance Hacker				    http://www.isomerica.net/
           31 5B 89 66 F7 E8 73 34 50 6A 79 C4 32 E1 0E 4A

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