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sendmail reports I/O problem


I have a truly annoying and urgent problem with sendmail. Particularly
bigger mails containing attachments cannot be delivered. They always end
up sitting around in the queue with I/O errors, after unsuccessful
attempt of delivery.
On the system, there are many sendmail processes up, yet there is no
activity towards the internet.

# mailq
                Mail Queue (4 requests)
--Q-ID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time-----
LAA22085   150805 Mon Aug 28 11:18 MAILER-DAEMON
                 (I/O error: Input/output error)
HAA21130   148476 Mon Aug 28 07:00 someone@ourdomain.com
      8BITMIME   (Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours)
WAA17490   249014 Sat Aug 26 22:00 someone@ourdomain.com
      8BITMIME   (I/O error)
QAA16860*  246703 Sat Aug 26 16:00 someone@ourdomain.com
      8BITMIME   (I/O error)

I do not know what to do about this one. A fsck didn't change anything,
nor did rebooting / restarting the services. The machine has a cable
modem connection to the Internet and any other type of traffic from / to
the Internet goes smooth.

A verbose debug run shows:

~ # sendmail -vvvvvvvvvvv -q
Running LAA22085 (sequence 1 of 4)
<someone@ourdomain.com>... Connecting to mail.provider.com. via relay...
220 mail.provider.com ESMTP server (Post.Office v3.5.3 release 223 ID#
U1000L100S0V35) ready Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:23:52 +0200
>>> EHLO mail.ourdomain.com
250 SIZE 52428800
>>> MAIL From:<> SIZE=150895
250 Sender <> and extensions (SIZE=150895) Ok
>>> RCPT To:<someone@ourdomain.com>
250 Recipient <someone@ourdomain.com> Ok
>>> DATA
354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
someone@ourdomain.com ... I/O error

Waah! It takes ages until the final "I/O error" appears.
Any help *greatly* welcomed. Please *do* CC me.

Sven Burgener

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