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Re: What is up with Debian 2.2 Potato ??

Why download the CD? seems daft to me. Just download 5 floppies and then
let the install followed by apt-get download what you actually want.
Linux programmes are improved at such a high rate that by the time
you've finished downloading the CDs you'll want to do an apt-get update
&& apt-get upgrade on any machine you've installed anyway. If you then
want a CD that's actually of use to you burn a copy of
/var/cache/apt/archives and don't wadte your life downloading 2000apps
for radio hams or other strange creatures. Then if it takes you more
than an evening to get your Linux box running, shoot yourself or
re-install windows whichever seems less painful.


romeu@petrobras.com.br wrote:
> 4 days? I'm trying to install debian since last month. After that, I think
> I'll get the "debian guru" title.
> I'll buy no copies. I think that, if linux was born across the internet, I
> should be able to install it downloading from somewhere. Right now, I'm
> downloading the CD's from
> http://ftp.nuri.net/pub/FreeISO/mirrors/cdimage.debian.org/2.2_rev0/i386/binary-i386-1.iso
> http://ftp.nuri.net/pub/FreeISO/mirrors/cdimage.debian.org/2.2_rev0/i386/binary-i386-2.iso
> and
> http://ftp.nuri.net/pub/FreeISO/mirrors/cdimage.debian.org/2.2_rev0/i386/binary-i386-3.iso
> This server does support Resume Download with Getright (but it's so
> slow...).
> After that, if I get the system running in less than two weeks, I'll be a
> happy man.
> --
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