Re: Raid 1 Problems
>>>>> "MK" == Matt Kopishke <> writes:
MK> Hi, I am running potato and a 2.2.16 kernel on our file server. I
MK> have two raid 1 devices set up, each 10 gigs big. The problem is that it
MK> does not seem to cleanly unmount/update the superblock when I
MK> restart/shutdown (although it says it does). So what happens is each
MK> startup it needs to run chkraid, which on two 10 gig md devices, takes a
MK> while.
It would not be the solution to the source of your Problem, but why don´t you
use reiserfs on the md-devices? I do so without problems.
Second, did you check the versions of the raidtools and the kernel modules?
Greetings, Christoph
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