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Re: Has Corel been violating the GPL for approx 6 months?

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Aaron Olson wrote:

ignati >i do, however, think that Corel needs to clean up their act a bit with 
ignati >respect to GNU/Linux and open source  software in general. at a recent 
ignati >ingram-micro trade show in halifax, nova scotia, canada, corel's "booth 
ignati >bunnies" claimed that "their Linux OS was based on the Debian kernel" and 
ignati >proceded to show some market share figures for their distro at their 
ignati >presentation. it was clear that Corel's representatives were not entirely 
ignati >informed and were very unprofessional.

i wouldn't be so harsh on corel, chances are they won't be around by the
end of the year with the way their cashflow is going.(which btw has little
to do with corel's linux division it's their windows division that is
suffering dragging the company into the ground) last i heard they got
about $35 million in funding and that was supposed to last..till the end
of this month or something ? then they are broke again

ignati >perhaps we should compile a list of things that we would like to see Corel 
ignati >do or change in order to jive better with open source.

i'd start with

1) i hope they live to make their open source stuff a success.


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