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Re: lilo problem

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

> I'm running libranet version of debian potato. It uses the 2.2.14 
> kernel.  I am having a problem with lilo. My hard disk is a 15 gig with
> the following partitions
> /=2500 megs
> /usr=5000mgb
> /home=2500mgb
> /var=1250mgb
> the rest of the disk is just free space. When I run lilo I get the
> following error:
> debian:/home/dlm# /sbin/lilo
> Fatal: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1046 > 1023)
> debian:/home/dlm#

There're - as usual - several ways to get around this problem:

* Create a small /boot partition (10MB) within the 1024 limit.

* Try to install lilo with the "-L" option, this should work with a
recent version of lilo. If your lilo doesn't have this option you can try
lilo -l. see man lilo for more information.

* Use another bootmanager 


Staf Wagemakers

email      : staf@digibel.org
homepage   : http://www.digibel.org/~staf

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