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Re: Help needed

In article >00080621122100.00173@aedes>,
USM Bish  <bish@nde.vsnl.net.in> wrote:
>1. The init process in debian does not differentiate levels from 2 to 5, as a
>consequence, I am forced to boot into x-windows thru "xdm". I am presently
>bailing out to console using the /etc/init.d/xdm script with the option "stop".
>I do not need "X" most of the times. Is there any other way I can boot
>directly into the comnsole without starting my "X-server". I have not
>tinklered around with my init process as yet.

Well, you should. Tinker around, that is. Simply remove /etc/rc2.d/S??xdm

>2.  The BackSpace key needs fixing for "X". However placing xmodmap
>parameters in .xsessions or .Xdefaults does not seem to correct the
>problem, and I need to repeat the same over an xterm. Is there any
>way out?

ARGH. I have the same problem, for the umpteenth time my delete and
backspace keys have been reversed again. In slink everything was OK,
but some upgrade in recent potato or woody (and I wish I knew what
package and what version, but I don't) broke it again.

I hate the VTxxx standards! And I hate PC keyboards.

Cistron Certified Internetwork Expert #1. Think free speech; drink free beer.

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