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Re: Unidentified subject! - modems

Valeu. Vou usar XF86config.

Eu já tinha lido a página sobre modems. E também esta:
 E cheguei à conclusão de que, se eu comprasse um modem ISA ( e paguei
caro: R$ 150,00, enquanto winmodens estão custando de R$ 50 a 60), havia
grande probabilidade de ser um hardware modem. E eu continuo convicto de
que é. http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html  diz que o Venus Chipset
está OK,  mesmo assim o sistema não detecta a placa.


English translation, since I would like to repost the question about modems
to the list:

All right. I'm gonna use xf86config.

I've already read the page about modems. Even this one:
http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html. And I concluded that if I would
buy an ISA modem (which I believe was expansive: R$ 150, against winmodem's
R$ 50 to 60), that would be a good shot that the modem would be a hardware
modem. Well, I'm still convict that the modem is really a hardware modem
(the card is soooo big). Actually, the page
http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html says that the Venus Chipset is
OK,  but the system doesn't detect it.

So, please, if anyone know this board: Lucent Venus Voice Modem, I would
(really) appreciate some help.

                    Pellegrini              Para:   romeu@petrobras.com.br            
                    <pellegrini@mpcn        cc:                                       
                    et.com.br>              Assunto:     Re: Unidentified subject!    
                    01/08/00 21:44                                                    

:: On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 19:17:19 -0300, <romeu@petrobras.com.br> said:

> Hi, debian users.
> I'm a newbie (mostly).
> Can someone help me?

É pra isso que estamos aí!

> I'm installing Debian (2.2, which I downloaded from the net) on my
> computer, and I have the following problems:

> 1) My monitor turns off (energy saving) when I call XF86Setup. I believe
> it's because the monitor (a LG StudioWorks 520) is Plug-and-Play, it
> information to the CPU (and it is expecting some answer back) , etc. How
> can I fix that?

Use xf86config  e não o XF86Setup. o xf86config trabalha em moto
texto. :-)  Eu nunca consegui usar -- e nunca precisei -- do

> 2) After reading a lot about modems, I bought a Lucent Venus Voice Modem,
> which is ISA, which is a big card (lots of hard on it), which is a fine
> modem with Windows 98, achieving the velocity of 115 Kbps, and I believed
> it was NOT a Host Controlled Modem, WinModem and all this kind of stuff.
> ran pppconfig, but my modem is not detected. Is it a winmodem? Is there
> something I can do to get my modem working? Is it a REAL MODEM? Or I
> cheated myself?

Acho que informações sobre isso estão em http://www.linmodems.org

Existem drivers para winmodems (mas só uns poucos)...

Sugestão, se esse aí não funcionar mesmo: compre um modem externo (se
não for muito caro p/vc), e plugue na porta serial. Acho que não é
difícil achar um US Robotics externo por aí... Pelo menos tinha na
última vez que olhei em  http://www.awi.com.br/

> TIA,
> Gaucho.

Boa sorte!

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
mailto:jeronimo@ic.unicamp.br    mailto:pellegrini@iname.com

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