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On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 02:55:19PM -0400, John S. J. Anderson wrote:

> I was looking for something that wouldn't require me to go to the
> bookstore. 

You should have a copy of the INN FAQ always at hand. If you can read and
post to local groups (and you've learned how to add a new local group,
yes?), then adding suck to the mix should be not too much of a headache. All
hinges on whether your INN install is sane, and the FAQ can give you some
trouble-shooting tips (a lot of them, actually) if it isn't.

There's no 'beginners guide' that I'm aware of. Pay close attention to the
newsfeeds file; that is where the trouble will likely be when you try to add
groups with suck. But the FAQ is an absolute necessity, imho. Also, do not
hesitate to join the suck email list; they know this stuff cold!

Bob Bernstein
at                          http://www.ruptured-duck.com
Esmond, R.I., USA

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