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X fonts (2)

I have another problem with the fonts in X.

I installed the freefont package but gimp doesn't find the fonts. I simply
installed the .deb and didn't make anything else.

The fonts are in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/ 

Should I run some program to gimp recognize the fonts? (I already rebooted
the computer).


-- Marcio

 * MARCIO ROSA DA SILVA                    e-mail: marcio@exatas.unisinos.br
 * Assistant Professor                             mrsva@iname.com
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590-3333 R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172
 *                                   http://www.eletrica.unisinos.br/~marcio

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