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wu-ftpd (2000-06-23 security-fixed frozen version) constantly crashes

Hi there,

my wu-ftpd is constantly crashing. :-(

About half a dozen times per hour (sometimes even more often) I see lines in 
syslog like the following, which indicate crashed instances:

    wu-ftpd[28359]: exiting on signal 11: Segmentation fault

Before I upgraded from stable to frozen my FTP daemon (wu-ftpd-academ then) 
was rock solid (I have FTP guests on my box 24 hours per day, from 10 users 
max to 25 max.) Now I have the above errors.

When I learnt about the recently published buffer-overflow bug in wu-ftpd, I 
thought this was the reason, so I immediately installed the fixed version 
(2.6.0-5.1.) But to no avail, the crashes still occur. :-(((

I'm running wu-ftpd from xinetd as follows:

service ftp
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/wu-ftpd
        instances       = 30
        log_type        = SYSLOG local6
        log_on_failure += HOST

Any idea what's causing this? My system is completely "frozen" (i.e. Debian-
version-like :-)



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