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Re: Floppy

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 07:05:21AM -0700, Elsadig Khanagi wrote:
> Dear, Sir

> I install GNU/Debian (Linux 2.1r2). But I didn't able to deal with floppy..I 
> use (mount -t auto /dev/fd0 /floppy)...when I do that with an empty floppy 
> it run without error message. but when I try to copy a file from /root or 
> any to floppy , I use (cp filename /dev/fd0).. after that , if I (umount 
> /floppy) and try to mount it agaian ..I got an error  message...(( VFS : 
> Can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 02:00 --- mount : You must 
> specify the filesystem type ...I try to use other filesystem type but also, 
> I fail.

Files under the /dev directory are device files.  They tell the kernel
how to deal with hardware.  A device is mounted to some other point,
usually part of the standard directory tree for things like /, /usr,
/var, and /home, or to a subdirectory of /mnt for removable devices like
your cdrom, floppy, or zip drive.

To *mount* your floppy:

   $ mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

To copy data *to* or *from* your floppy:

   $ cp myfile /mnt/floppy
   $ cp /mnt/floppy/myfile .

To *unmount* your floppy (*ALWAYS* do this *before* removing the disk):

   $ umount /mnt/floppy
It's possible that you've overwritten your /dev/fd0 file in the actions
you describe above.  This file should look like:

   $ ls -l /dev/fd0
   brw-rw----    1 root     floppy     2,   0 Dec  5 20:55 /dev/fd0

If that's not how it appears (the values for "root" and "floppy" may
differ, but the "brw-rw----" and  "2, 0" are critical), do the following
*as root*:

   $ rm /dev/fd0
   $ mknod /dev/fd0 b 2 0

The 'mknod' command is used to create device files.  The 'b 2 0' are
critical -- this is how the kernel knows what kind of hardware it's
talking to.  In fact, the name doesn't matter to the kernel (though an
awful lot of software expects to find a /dev/fd0 that points to a floppy

I'd strongly suggest you get a good book on basic Linux or Unix
administration, preferably in a language you're comfortable with (I
assume you're not a native Enlish speaker).  Nemeth, et al, _UNIX System
Administration Handbook_, _Running Linux_, and others, are well worth
the price. 

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>         http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.                       http://www.opensales.org
   What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?      Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
     http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/      K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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