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Perhaps strange mail question

I would like to accept mail for many domains and put them in separate spool
directories.  IE mail to user@foo.domain.org would go in /var/mail/foo/user
and mail to user@bar.domain.org would go in /var/mail/bar/user.

Q1:  Is this possible?
Q2:  Is this possible with exim?
Q3:  How could I authenticate that user existed at bar.domain.org (when user
may not have an account on the system) before writing to his/her spool file?

I think I'd have to use procmail, but then I'd have no idea how to tell exim
to route _all_ mail through procmail except the mail _actually_intended_ for
the local machine.


"... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course!" - RFC 1122

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