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Re: recursive ftp put

On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 09:56:15AM +1200, zdrysdal@diagnostic.co.nz wrote
> Hiya
> i am testing out ncftp but have found out it can only recursive "get".... i
> need to recursive "put" while ftp'ing... is there another ftp package out
> there which can do what i want?

lftp does:
 lftp :~> help mirror
 Usage: mirror [OPTS] [remote [local]]

 Mirror specified remote directory to local directory

  -c, --continue         continue a mirror job if possible
  -e, --delete           delete files not present at remote site
  -s, --allow-suid       set suid/sgid bits according to remote site
  -n, --only-newer       download only newer files (-c won't work)
  -r, --no-recursion     don't go to subdirectories
  -p, --no-perms         don't set file permissions
      --no-umask         don't apply umask to file modes
  -R, --reverse          reverse mirror (put files)
  -L, --dereference      download symbolic links as files
  -N, --newer-than FILE  download only files newer than the file
  -i RX, --include RX    include matching files (only one allowed)
  -x RX, --exclude RX    exclude matching files (only one allowed)
                         RX is extended regular expression
  -t Nx, --time-prec Nx  set time precision to N seconds (x=s)
                         minutes (x=m) hours (x=h) or days (x=d)
                         default - 12 hours
  -v, --verbose          verbose operation

 When using -R, the first directory is local and the second is remote.
 If the second directory is omitted, basename of first directory is used.
 If both directories are omitted, current local and remote directories are
 lftp :~>

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin & support:technical services

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