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Re: Stuck...

What you got is a bash-shell, you can type all kinds of commands here,
I've made you a list with commands you should check out:

man - if you type man <command> you get all kinds of information about
that command (what it does, how it does it etc.)
ls - similar to dir in dos (try the l and a options, ls -al)
cd - browse through directorys
cat - similar to type in dos, shows the content of a file
less - this will allow to scroll to data if the screen is 'too small',
powerfull in combination with a | (eg cat <file> | less)
grep - search in files for a certain word / letter etc.
locate - find a file on your system
find - similar to locate, only slower, but finds more (except with a real
recent db)
date - shows date and time
lynx - a simple textbased webbrowser
vi - difficult editor, but it's an editor you can find on any unix flavor
so you should try and learn to work with it (you don't have to like it,
just know howto, you'll need it sooner or later)
elm - a simple mail reading sending program that uses vi
pine - pine is not elm, another mailprogram, I like it better, but you''ll
have to compile
make - compile source code (you'll need at least gcc)
modprobe - insert modules (eg a driver) into your kernel
lsmod - show modules
dselect - install packages
apt-get - install packages (different front-end, sometimes better,
sometimes not, really good when upgrading or installing packages of what
you know the name).

I guess this 'll give you something to enjoy yourself with!

Ron Rademaker

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Brian Hazelwood wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time.  I have not had any problems untill this point.  After I am prompted for my "debian login" and password, I recieve the date, time and copywrite info.  However after this I recieve a line  "debian:~#" with the curser waiting for a reply.  I have typed in numerous characters and numbers to no avail.  
> Is this a licence #?  What should I do from here?  
> Please Help!
> Brian Hazelwood
> brian@net-fax.com

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