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leafnode and Gnus

Hi everyone,

last night I set up leafnode on my home system (Potato as of two days
ago) in order to retrieve news from my ISP (works like a charm).

At work I use Gnus as my news reader, and I'd like to use it at home,
too.  I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local
spool, rather than use nntp to localhost

(setq nnspool-spool-directory "/var/spool/news")
(setq nnspool-nov-directory   "/var/spool/over.view")
(setq nnspool-active-file     "/var/spool/news/active.read")

Now when I start up, Gnus complains that it cannot find the active
file.   I have been unable to find anything in the doc of leafnode
where it puts the active file.  I am using the XEmacs 21.1.10 and the
Gnus version which came with it.

Could a kind soul please help me to straighten my setup?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke                                    engelke@math.uni-hamburg.de
       *** "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder." ***

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