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Re: how do i get/install Apache::DB for debian?

the guide at

recommends using
	PerlSetEnv PERLDB_OPTS "NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1 frame=2"
	PerlModule Apache::DB
	<Location /perl>
		PerlFixupHandler Apache::DB
		SetHandler perl-script
		PerlHandler Apache::Registry
		Options ExecCGI
		PerlSendHeader On

so, as i've upgraded to frozen (potato), i downloaded
[thanks eric!]

and did a
	zgrep Apache/DB Contents-i386.gz
(presuming that Apache::DB will actually be '...Apache/DB.pm'

and all it shows is
	./usr/lib/perl5/Apache/DBI.pm      interpreters/libapache-dbi-perl
	usr/lib/perl5/Apache/DBILogger.pm  interpreters/libapache-dbilogger-perl

i can't find Apache::DB in the debian package list.
where is it? pointers are welcome!

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