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Re: Limiting Access

Graeme had more of an idea of what i'd like to do, what it looks like is

usergroup    telnet   ftp
access10       no      yes
access20       no      yes
shells         yes     yes
allothers      yes     yes

It's a web hosting box, that also hosts shell accounts. the people with
webpage packages don't need telnet and all webpage accounts have their
own directory structure, eg /home/webpageusers/username

I dunno, I'll look into NIS, but originally I thought Pam would handle


> If you know the IP address of that group, you can put it into
> /etc/hosts.deny and deny telnet for them:
> TELNET:some.bad.host, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> man hosts_access(5)
> Andrew

In the beginning, the universe was created. 
This made a lot of people very angry, and 
has been widely regarded as a bad idea.

*Peter Good                    Email: psgood@petesinternet.net*
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