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Getting mail.


I am using Debian Hamm and have some questions about mail configuration.
The mail server in my work-place is mri.mri.ernet.in, and I have been
using Pine to read mail on this server from the PC in my office
(riemann.mri.ernet.in). To do this I used the following options in
configuring Pine on riemann.mri.ernet.in:
	smtp-server: mri.mri.ernet.in

I have recently installed mutt and GnuPG on my PC, and would like to start
using them. I want to

1. keep a copy of all messages to me in appropriate folders in the
directory $HOME/mail/ on the server (mri.mri.ernet.in). This is because if
I am out of town it is easier to telnet to the server and read my mail.

2. transfer each message to an appropriate folder in the directory
$HOME/mail/ on my PC (riemann.mri.ernet.in); and

3. use mutt to read and answer the messages on my PC.

I am quite clueless as to how to do all this, and would appreciate any
help or pointers. Which and what combination of procmail and fetchmail are
needed, together with mutt?

I apologize to those of you who may have seen this message in the
mutt-users mailing list.

Thanks in advance.



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