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Re: Newbie installation questions

Hi David,

1: How about installing LILO with a real short boot delay (say 2 seconds
or something) and Win98 as the default OS?  Your family won't even know
it's there.  :)  Or another option: Boot Debian using Loadlin.

2: Run dselect (as root) and install the packages "man-db" (the actual
man program) and "manpages" (man pages for system use and
administration).  You can also install "manpages-dev" (for development)
or "manpages-{de,es,fr,it,jp,ko}" (translated versions).

3: Put the following line in the file /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hda1       /mnt/win98        msdos      defaults      0    0
This will mount /dev/hda1 on system start up, without checking it for
errors.  BTW, are you sure it's a FAT32 partition?  I wasn't aware of
the fact that Linux can read FAT32.  And if it's not a FAT32 partition,
you might want to substitute "msdos" with "vfat", so you can have those
long filenames.  See "man fstab" for more info.

4: To shut down Linux properly issue (as root)
> shutdown -r now
> shutdown -h now
at the console or in an xterm.  On a stock Debian 2.1 installation you
can also press CTRL-ALT-DEL (sounds familiar, eh? :) at the console as
any user, which will execute "shutdown -r now" automatically.

5: Dunno.  libXmu.so.6 is a symbolic link to libXmu.so.6.0 on my system
in /usr/X11R6/lib.  Maybe that link is missing (which indicates more
trouble, though) or XFree isn't set up properly at all.  Try installing
the XFree86 version which comes with slink (3.3.5, if I'm not mistaken)
and see if the problem persists.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:		mailto:rosenfel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
HertzSCHLAG:	http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/

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