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Re: JavaScript and JAVA

I can corroborate this too; Actually just now Netscape got further than last
time in legitimately getting to my online bank account, even so far as accepting
the verisign certificate needed for authentification.  The documentation with
the account doesn't list linux or any of the Unixes in system requirements
If they are worried about Linux as a hackers toolbox it must be possible to
write a java applet to exclude it. It was a java "jar" that finally killed
netscape.  It seems not to be java per se that kills netscape.


Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Pollywog wrote: > I have JavaScript enabled in Netscape, but a
certain website was > crashing Netscape each time I visited.  I started up Star
Office and > I enabled JavaScript but it complained that it could not find JAVA
> and JAVA is needed in order to use JavaScript.  That's news to me; I >
thought JAVA and JavaScript were two entirely different things. > I do not want
to install the JDK.  Netscape does not complain that > the JDK is not
installed; is that because Netscape includes JAVA > libraries that SO does not
have? > 
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
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